Latest on Etchings
Etchings Press is the University of Indianapolis’ teaching press and publishing laboratory. Our students engage with writers from the campus community and across the world, publishing a bi-annual literary magazine and three books each spring, producing a literary podcast, judging literary contests, and collaborating with UIndy’s Hullabaloo Press.
Chapbooks and Novellas
UIndy students judge, design, edit, and publish two chapbooks (in prose and one in poetry) as well as novellas. Competitions take place during the winter semester.
Whirling Prize
The Whirling Prize is a student-run post-publication prize that chooses two winners that respond to the annual contest theme to receive a monetary award of $500. On top of that, the winners participate in a literary podcast (Potluck Podcast) and receive copies of a letter press broadside designed by UIndy Art & Design students.
Etchings Magazine
Etchings Literary & Fine Arts Magazine, which showcases the writing, music, photography, and artwork of undergraduate students, graduate students, alumni, faculty, and staff, is published bi-annually by a student-run team of editors and producers.
UIndy’s Potluck Podcast
The University of Indianapolis’ Potluck Podcast hosts conversations about the arts. Students and faculty talk behind-the-scenes with guests about their work.